Saturday, March 28, 2015

QBQ - Mood Changer

I read this book over the weekend; QBQ aka The Question Behind the Question by John G. Miller. It talks about changing the questions you ask yourself. Instead of “Why isn’t he doing his job” to something more productive. Turning it from a negative to a positive.

Earlier this week I found myself getting irritated at a client. This one specific client always makes me feel incompetent. I always find myself having to do a little extra because if I don’t I feel as though they question my every move. Well my work from the previous week wasn’t good enough and I was found being questioned again. Instead of getting upset I thought, what more could I do? May need to read this book on a weekly basis to keep my mind focused on the right questions. It’s definitely an eye opener. When you ask yourself the right questions your mood changes.

I also decided to make an inspirational board at work. I printed out uplifting quotes to add to the board. My goal is to inspire others in the process of making myself feel good; I think we all need reminders.